Fall Updates
This fall has been a practice in patience and careful planning. Since the last open studio events in October, I decided to get an early start on digging up the dahlias to better prepare myself for the busy winter season. Each year it feels as though I cannot possibly bear to cut back the flowers before a frost and I am always rushing in November. The task of getting the plants out of the ground, washed, divided, stored and tulips planted all comes crashing together with the stress of opening after Thanksgiving.

This year I began the process on October 13th. Cutting back the plants a few rows at a time. Giving myself a select number of hours each day to take care of one section at a time. This process allowed me to not feel so overwhelmed and have the entire task completed by November 3rd. All 500+ dahlias dug, divided, stored and 7,000 tulips planted for spring blooms. What a difference it has made!

In the meantime, I have also been able to keep creating new work. The past several weeks my focus has continued to be on new crystalline work including: mugs, minis, and some new serving platters/bowls. I have continued to experiment with more ruby and gold glazes with the post-fired reduction pieces. The results have been amazing! I am so excited to share them with you.
Looking ahead, the studio will be open on the weekends, 10-4pm, leading up to the Christmas holiday, starting on November 25th. I am excited to welcome back two guest artists from last year as well for special visits.

On December 2nd and 3rd, 16-year-old artist Anna Cherepowich, will be in the studio with original pieces as well as prints. Most of Anna’s artwork showcases marine life and the workings of the environment as she attempts to combine her love of marine biology and environmental science with her love of art.

On December 18th and 19th, Kathrine Lovell will have a limited selection of small paintings inspired by seasonal and local botanicals combined with geometric patterning and gold leaf. These are perfect for holiday gifts for you and your loved ones. Her artwork nearly sold-out last year- be sure come early for the first selection!
During the coming weeks, I will continue to make lots of new work. Each weekend will have new items fresh from the kiln. There are some new products coming soon including crystalline bottle stoppers and new tree luminaries.
As you are selecting gifts for your loved ones this season, I hope you will support artists and local makers. Your purchases make a world of difference to small business owners. If you do not have plans to take home a piece for yourself, sharing the word on social media or in person is also a great way to support your favorite creators.
Thank you for your support and generosity- you make all this possible. It is a pleasure to be able to create for you.
Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season.