Guest Artist Spotlight: Anna Cherepowich
View the work of Anna Cherepowich
November 26th & 27th, 2022
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the studio

Anna Cherepowich (Anna Van Goat) is a 9th grader at The Wheeler School. She has loved drawing since she was little, and her favorite subjects include horses, tigers, sharks, whales, and birds! Her most used mediums are graphite pencils, Prismacolor colored pencils, and her favorite, Copic markers (for their excellent blending capabilities). Some of her favorite artists include Pablo Picasso, M.C. Escher, and Vincent Van Gogh. When she’s not drawing, Anna enjoys horseback riding, playing the drums, and hanging out with her friends.
I first met Anna several years ago at the Pardon Gray Day festival here in Tiverton during one my ‘make your own’ events. During the festival, I had pre-made some cylinders and brought them with me for kids to decorate using stamps, leaves, and other tools. Anna was very serious in her decorations and chose her composition carefully.
With my mom at the event to assist, we discovered that a common thread connected us- Anna attended the Wheeler School (where my mom works and where I attended through graduating high school), and it was like meeting someone I already knew. After that event, I had held a few other make your own events over the next couple of years and Anna (and her family) returned to learn more about working in clay and creating new artistic expressions. Once we entered the COVID era, the workshops ended, and I was not able to connect with her via clay.

I don’t remember exactly when I learned of Anna’s interest in art and drawing; but I do remember her mom sharing images of Anna’s drawings on Facebook and I was thoroughly impressed. Her skills have improved significantly over the past couple of years. This summer, Anna’s whale drawing won runner up for Best in Show at the Little Compton Makers Young Artists Show. She attended her first craft fair/art show in September ate the Harvest Fair at the Norman Bird Sanctuary. It was a great experience- he has been a featured local artist in their Barn Owl Gift Shop for over a year now.

When I was planning to host some guest artists in the studio this year, I immediately thought of Anna. She has worked hard at her craft and wants to one day make a career from selling her artwork. I hope that you will join me in celebrating young talent and show Anna that with a lot of work, time, and dedication, it is possible to do what you love and share that with the world.

Be sure to check them out if you are in the Rehoboth area- they are fantastic!
Linz, I am so impressed by this young woman’s work and your recognition, mentoring and enthusiasm in promoting her. I also love getting your updates and seeing the many ways you share your creativity with the world. It bothers me that I still have not made a visit to your studio and hope in these sort of post Covid times I will figure out how to travel again! 😘