May from the Studio
There isn’t much more to say, other than thank you.
The past six weeks have been an emotional journey. The support from this community has been overwhelming. I am so moved by all the kind words, letters, notes, and conversations with so many of you. My goal has always been to connect people with the moment they are in. Pottery and flowers provide that connection.

When you sip from a handmade mug, reach for your favorite cereal bowl, or arrange food on a treasured platter, a moment occurs (even if just for a second) when you remember how you got that piece. Perhaps it was a gift from a friend, or you found it at a market, or a hidden gem tucked away on a trip where you could wander through the artists’ studio. It could be from loved one once passed and each time you hold that cup, you are reminded of those memories. The surface of the glaze makes you stop and wonder- how did she do that? That is the power of pottery.

Flowers are ever changing. Impermanent. A glory to behold and witness the beauty of the natural world. The patterns, colors, shapes, and smells they possess are mesmerizing. How can so much come from such a species. Each day in the tulip field, I could find a new flower form to fawn over. How is it possible to choose a favorite? They are all unique and beautiful. As one season comes to an end, we are greeted with the start of another.

The task of preparing the beds and planting the dahlias will continue this week. Once the tubers are tucked in, I will be busily creating new work to share with you during the summer months. Until then, all the work finished this spring is now available online and visits to the studio will be available by appointment or chance. I have grand plans of new pieces to create, so stay tuned for what comes out of these hands and into your home.
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.”– Buddha
Thank you for all your support. It means the world.