September in the Studio

September is here and the whirlwind of the summer open studio events have subsided. This time of year is always a nice respite from the feelings of chaos in preparation for the studio events and dealing with the stress on the gardens with the weather, weeds, and pests.

With all the rain we have had this summer, the dahlias are looking better than ever! The next few weeks will be filled with blooms as we enter prime time for these beauties. Bouquets are available to order daily. Each one is cut and prepared just for you; that is why pre-ordering is necessary.
Looking ahead to the fall open studio events, I am planning to be open September 30- October 1 and again the following weekend October 7-8. During these weekends, I will have the popular bi-annual Seconds Sale along with my version of a dahlia ‘festival’ (weather permitting).
What is my version of a dahlia festival?
I will plan to have more blooms on the plants during the first weekend so you can stroll the gardens, take note of the flower names, and perhaps plan your wish-lists for dahlia tuber purchases (those go on sale April 2024). I am also planning to do some dahlia info-sessions during the two weekends:

Weekend 1- Growing, care and cutting of dahlias
Weekend 2- Digging & Dividing Tubers
Weather depending on weekend 2, I might even be doing some U-pick of the flowers! Ideas are still in progress (and suggestions welcome), so if there is something you might be interested in learning about, please let me know!
What’s new in the studio?
This summer has been filled with new crystalline and piggery. I am planning to continue making more crystalline pieces over the next month with some new shapes and the return of some old favorites. The online shop is fully stocked with the current inventory- you can browse the entire collection of work for sale from the comfort of your home. Online ordering with studio pickup (or shipping) is always an option if you can’t make it into the studio to visit. I am also open by appointment if you would like to arrange a private visit.
Once the fall open studios and dahlia ‘festival’ have concluded, I will be back to work with my functional line of items. There are many more pieces to be made as we approach the holiday season.
I am always thankful and humbled by your support. Being able to create work and share it with you is an honor. Whether you purchase work in the studio, comment to posts on social media or support in other ways, I continue to be grateful for this opportunity to continue bringing clay to life. Thank you.
Lindsey, I appreciated you taking the time to meet with me this past week, sharing your practice and procedures and answering my endless questions. Your work is beautiful and well worth seeing personally. Good luck for the remainder of the year and always. A greatful follower